Electronic workshop
- Our inhouse electronic workshop is not the big one,
but strong enough to support our work with:
- prototypes we need in various measurements,
- small series of electronic devices that are comercialy unaviable,
- unique devices we find out needed in our projects,
such as uncomercial amplifiers and signal conditioners, power electroniccs ... etc,
- serviceing of customer electronics devices or equipment,
- retrofit we do in our projects,
- mechanical various mechanical jobs we need from time to time.
- 8 bit we preffer ATMEL AVR 8 devices, but we also work with MCS-51 and STM8,
- 32 bit AVR32, STM32, SAM3X8E, NXP LPC ... etc.
- all other uppon customers request.
Analog, digital and discrete
- analog ...
in our electornic projects we preffere Analog Devices,
Linear technology and Burr Brown analog
IC ( OP, ADC, DAC, analog multiplexers... etc),
- digital ...
almoust every known producer is good enough,
- discrette components ...
the most important factors we take care about
in our designs is capacitor time
fatigue and heat disipation,
we use tantal and ceramic capacitors for < 100mF,
and heat disipationis we solve with a propper calcus.
- we check out ...
every single component, up the last resistors and jumers,
before we implement it in a device we make.
As a result almoust 100% of our electronic
devices works correctly at first power up.
workshop case...Sharpy pendulum eletronic repair
- We took part in SCHWENK Sharpy pendulum retrofit.
- Out task was to desing and release:
wide range DC strain gauge amplifier
conditioner electronics for a gray code incremental positioner.
- DC strain gauge amplifier we realised on AD620 instrumental
amplifier by Analog Devices we had in stock,
- Gray code conditioner we released on Atmel AVR controler
implementing special software that provide 100kHZ sample rate.