Ceramic insulator grinder retrofit

  • In 1995. we were engaged to make full retrofit of a ceramic insulator grinder control system retrofit.
  • Old electronic control system was implemented on germanium transistor elektronic produced by German factory Zeidler in 1972.
  • Our task was to design end realise a new control system based on microctroler electronic and Bosch servo hydraulic control devices.
  • Grinder control system was based on photo copy method. Factory had a lot of papper draw of insulator design.
  • Upon owner request we save photocopy system in work but all other control system elements were fully redesigned.
  • Retrofit was done under full UN economic sanctions implemented to Serbia.

Insulator designer software

  • Durring a retrofit proces, as a plus, we designed a insulator designer software.
  • It was application design under MS-DOS, but in full XVGA graphics.
  • Full desing process were implemented. Application generated insulator geometry, together with cutting knife roadmap.
  • Also, there were a realitme simulation of cutting knife job.
  • It was an early specific fully implemented CAM system.
  • As a final result, application prints whole insulator papper model ready to implement on grinder photo copy device

Some technical data

  • Full electric insulator design up to four meter long high voltage insulators.
  • Full graphics user interface with popup menus. icon based toolbar and dialog system.
  • Database of cutting knives shapes.
  • Design of sprite block design ready to combine and repeat.
  • Print the papper design on multipage system.
  • Whole software wad writen on Microsoft C 6.1 for MS-DOS 3.3
  • After this project ICS&mc turn on Windows system programing.

Designed by ICS m&c